Adult Board

  • Kathleen Kitson


  • David Abel


  • Jenny Strausbaugh


  • Shirley Cox


  • Christy Abel


  • Staci Beauvais


  • Miranda Stohl


  • Sabra Buness


  • Sherrie Betts


 Adult Board Member Duties

  • • shall be the chairman of the Board of Directors, and an ex-officio member of all state level committees.
    • shall be a voting member on the Board of Directors.
    • shall ensure that all Association sanctioned functions are run in accordance with National rules.
    • shall be the liaison between the State Association and the National organization.
    • shall be copied on any communication between any member of the Board of Directors and the National Organization.
    shall be a signer on the state’s bank accounts.

  • • will be a voting member of the State Board of Directors.
    • shall coordinate all rodeos and sanctioned functions.
    • shall assist in any position requested of them at State Finals Rodeo.
    • shall coordinate all state events through the State President and National Director.

  • • shall be responsible for the operation and organization of the State association.
    • shall be a voting member only to break a tie or to establish a quorum.
    • shall conduct the meetings under Roberts Rules of Order.
    • shall call for a printed financial report from the State Treasurer at all state Board of Director meetings and quarterly throughout the year.

  • • shall be a voting member on the Board of Directors.
    • shall appoint committee chairpersons for all state level committees.
    • shall be a voting member of all above mentioned committees.
    • shall fill in for the President in cases of absence or vacancy.

  • • shall keep complete minutes of all meetings of the Association. A copy of the minutes must be sent to all Board members within thirty (30) days. The secretary shall preserve all documents of the Association. The secretary shall receive direction from the National Director, and/or the State Board of Directors, and shall do as directed.
    • shall be a voting member on the Board of Directors.
    • shall assist the incoming secretary with the transition including National Finals paperwork.
    • shall be a signer on the state’s bank accounts.

  • • shall be responsible for financial reports, bookkeeping, banking accounts, petty cash and shall receive direction from the National Director, and/or the State Board of Directors and shall do as directed.
    • shall collect, receive and subject to the direction of the State Board, make all disbursements and have charge of all funds of the Association and deposit the same in a bank designated by the State Board.
    • the state financial reports, bank statements, and general ledger will be audited on an annual basis, the State Treasurer agrees to provide this information to auditors in a timely manner.
    • shall be a voting member on the State Board of Directors
    • shall assist the incoming treasurer with the transition through the end of the fiscal year, including year end financials.

  • • will be a voting member of the State Board of Directors.
    • shall attend all meeting of the Board of Directors.
    • agrees to assist in any position requested of them by the State Board of Directors.

High School student board

  • Rylee Nugent


  • Kailyn Beauvais


  • Mackenzie Betts


  • Vacant


Junior High Student Board

  • Aiden Beauvais


  • Shylee Strausbaugh


  • Kilee Barnes


 Student Board Member Duties

  • • will be a voting member on the Board of Directors.
    • shall conduct the meetings under Roberts Rules of Order.
    • agrees to represent the students at all meetings of the Board of Directors.
    • agrees to manage the sponsor flags and banners or designate a person to do so.
    • agrees to promote high school rodeo through the state associations designed for kids.
    • agrees to secure a student event director for each event throughout the rodeo season.
    • agrees to organize and participate in fund raising activities.

  • • will be a voting member on the Board of Directors.
    • shall fill in for the President in cases of absence or vacancy.
    • shall assist the Student President in all activities.

  • • will be a voting member on the Board of Directors.
    • shall keep complete minutes of all student body meetings.
    • a copy of the minutes must be submitted to State President within 2 weeks.
    • student Secretary/Treasurer needs to keep a complete financial record and list participating students of all fund raisers and submit said records and monies to State Secretary/Treasurer within 7 days.


AKHSRA Board meets once a month.
Below is the link to our monthly meeting minutes.